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  • SSC MTS Exam Pattern 

    SSC MTS Exam is being organized by Staff Selection Commission or SSC to recruit candidates for various posts like the post of:

    • Peon
    • Daftary
    • Jamadar
    • Junior Gestetner Operator
    • Chowkidar
    • Safaiwala
    • Mali etc.

    SSC MTS Exam Pattern

    The examination of SSC MTS will be conducted in 3 different levels:

    Paper-1, (objective) :          Online with objective multiple choice question

    Paper-2 (Descriptive)  :       A pen and paper mode of examination which includes a descriptive paper in English or any other language listed in the government policies.

    Paper-3 (Skill Test).          A skill test that needs to be taken as per candidate’s convenience.

    It is mandatory for the candidate to qualify both these stages of examination in order to make it to the merit list prepared by SSC prepared at the end.

    SSC MTS Paper-1

    Section Maximum Questions Duration
    Reasoning 25 A cumulative Time of 90 minutes
    English Language 25
    Numerical Aptitude 25
    General Awareness 25
    Total 100

     SSC MTS Paper-2 (Descriptive Exam)

    Subject Max Marks Total Time
    Short Essay/Letter in English or any Language included in 8th Schedule of the Constitution 50 30 Minutes

    SSC MTS Syllabus

    The syllabus for SSC MTS is different for both the stages of examination and it’s mandatory for students to know the entire syllabus in order to prepare effectively for SSC MTS

    Let’s have a look at the detailed SSC MTS Syllabus:

    English Language


    Numerical Ability

    General Awareness
    Reading Comprehension Classification Simplification Static GK
    Fill in the Blanks Analogy Interest Science
    Spellings Coding-Decoding Average Award and Honors
    Phrases and Idioms Matrix Ratio and Proportion Current Affairs
    Synonyms and Antonyms Word Formation Problems on Ages Dates, Portfolios
    One Word Substitution Venn Diagram Speed, Distance and Time
    Sentence Correction Blood Relation Percentage
    Error Spotting Missing Numbers Profit and Loss
    Puzzles Number System
    Direction Number Series
    Non Verbal Reasoning Mensuration
    Verbal Reasoning Time and Work
    Data Interpretation
    Mixture Problem

    Read Complete SSC MTS Syllabus


    satta king gali